The Art & Science of Giving Feedback
It’s important to keep in mind that when we give someone corrective or critical feedback, it will likely trigger a "fear response" in that person. Here’s how to mitigate that defensiveness.
The Power (and Necessity) of Creating Psychological Safety
Four immediately actionable ways (as in, you can do these today or tomorrow) you as a manager can create psychological safety with your team members…and why you should.
Can I be friends with my employees?
Here are some things to consider that could help keep both the work relationship and the personal relationship not only possible, but also healthy and enjoyable.
How to Go From Peer to Boss
Most organizations fail to prepare non-managers for the challenges associated with moving from being a peer to being a manager. Here are some hints to guide you through your first weeks following your promotion.
How to manage your power in the workplace
One of the only contexts in which we as adults consciously enter into relationships characterized by actual “authority” (where one person is “superior” to the other in rank and decision-making control) is at work.
First, check your heart.
When someone is in relationship with someone else who has power over them AND that person believes that the more powerful person doesn’t really care about them…well, that’s (literally) scary.